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A New Group of Attention Seekers

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They continue to miss the obvious question - if they force him out who will take over, and/or pay the bills?

They mention nothing about who might want to buy him out, not even a mention of anyone they are working with (unless that’s what their reference to Wednesdayite and Owlstalk (wish I could insert a Sid James emoji here) means) who has a pot to piss in.

DC, as far as we are concerned could be a closet pig and have Neil Warnock and Sean Bean advising him - he could even be in the middle of changing our kit to Red and white stripes and erect a statue of Billy Sharp outside the South Stand entrance - the facts are, dear 1867 Group, is that until you put someone forward and back a person, group who is credible, has proven funds and is a fit and proper person(s) to takeover the club, no amount of huffing and puffing is going to change things. Get that through your thick fucking skulls.

That’s why you silly bastards aren’t backed and supported by most supporters. You’re a bunch of anonymous (and alleged) supporters who are doing nothing but destabilising the club and dividing supporters. 

We’ve just appointed a new manager with great potential, along with a back room staff who on paper are as talented as any I can ever recall at SWFC. Those changes helped see us win our first game of the season on Sunday, at a relative canter.

Things might finally be about to change for SWFC and our fortunes might, at long last, be about to get better!

Yet you dumb fucks want to possibly spoil all that because of your continued vitriol, criticism and bordering upon hatred of our Chairman - without putting forward any possible real solution!

I wish you’d just fuck off - and please don’t come back until you find someone who can put their money where ‘your’ mouths are!



Edited by Bellsview
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12 hours ago, Bellsview said:

They continue to miss the obvious question - if they force him out who will take over, and/or pay the bills?

They mention nothing about who might want to buy him out, not even a mention of anyone they are working with (unless that’s what their reference to Wednesdayite and Owlstalk (wish I could insert a Sid James emoji here) means) who has a pot to piss in.

DC, as far as we are concerned could be a closet pig and have Neil Warnock and Sean Bean advising him - he could even be in the middle of changing our kit to Red and white stripes and erect a statue of Billy Sharp outside the South Stand entrance - the facts are, dear 1867 Group, is that until you put someone forward and back a person, group who is credible, has proven funds and is a fit and proper person(s) to takeover the club, no amount of huffing and puffing is going to change things. Get that through your thick fucking skulls.

That’s why you silly bastards aren’t backed and supported by most supporters. You’re a bunch of anonymous (and alleged) supporters who are doing nothing but destabilising the club and dividing supporters. 

We’ve just appointed a new manager with great potential, along with a back room staff who on paper are as talented as any I can ever recall at SWFC. Those changes helped see us win our first game of the season on Sunday, at a relative canter.

Things might finally be about to change for SWFC and our fortunes might, at long last, be about to get better!

Yet you dumb fucks want to possibly spoil all that because of your continued vitriol, criticism and bordering upon hatred of our Chairman - without putting forward any possible real solution!

I wish you’d just fuck off - and please don’t come back until you find someone who can put their money where ‘your’ mouths are!



I think things have moved on a considerably since I made this post - at the time of posting I was oblivious to DC’s begging statement - and whilst I still agree with the sentiments re The 1867 Group, we’ve far bigger things to worry about now!

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I have just posted this in a thread that's on going but thought no harm in making a new thread so as many people as possible can see it.  


The Trust held a meeting last night with a few other fan groups, Clive Betts MP and Jane Hughes of the Football Supporters Association (FSA).   We discussed the idea to organise an umbrella group of fan groups to agree on a consensus response to this on going situation of worrying statements.  We have agreed to put a list together of all the fan groups we know of with the intention of inviting all groups, reps, etc to an initial meeting.  The trust agreed with the FSA they would provide advice on how to coordinate / go forward with this before we actually meet.  Hopefully this will mean the umbrella group will meet requirements of the new football regulator that is in the offing and can act as the fan group that represents the widest possible number of us for the foreseeable future.  The idea being the Umbrella group has defined shared purpose that hopefully we can get consensus on but each group will keep their own identity and be able to campaign for their particular focus.  


The trust are keen for all group reps and people keen to get involved to get in touch through our enquiries@swfctrust.co.uk email.  UTO

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Our supporters groups are too fractured to get this off the ground. The first meeting would be like the People's Front of Judea and the Judea People's Front 

The club has tried to bring fans groups together with their revamped fans forums. Before the first meeting, and every meeting after, Chansiri and Dooley asked that the attending groups got their heads together first and came up with relevant items to discuss and ideas to move the club forward. It's plain to see from the write ups that this didn't happen. Each group had its own agenda. I know of one invited group that declined and two that didn't fully canvas membership on what to bring. The Trust also lost their place at that table after it was put to a vote to ask them to leave. 

The best example of an umbrella group is Derby's. They originally all came together for charitable fundraising, under the Derby Sikh supporters group, then turned it up a notch under administration. But even then it was only to firm a united front to raise funds to keep stuff like the kids football going. 


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That sort of brings memories back to 2010 when there was an actual meeting of fans groups. Not long after the defeat to Palace and relegation. I attended on behalf of Owlsonline with Moz and Lisa iirc. I had posted on here about the potential for fan ownership, others had mooted it as well. 

To a fashion it worked OK, it spawned WTID and the key thing was that egos were left at the door (even me). It was there I learned about the financial concerns, it helped one worked in insolvency and what turned out to be true rumours were noted to the meeting by him. So WTID came to fore front a bit more.

I took more of a back seat as time progressed, geography in part, the shit show of my work that mirrored  the mess at S6 the other. I still remember posting a "takeover completed" story the day I bought this business. 

So I won't criticise their intentions because why not if you feel passionate about how the club is run, indeed will it survive. 

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@TylluanI don't disagree and even as Rome was burning in 2010 certain organisations - lets call them Wednesdayite - were still about the process. Its on the agenda for our next meeting in a week below (this is genuine) what shade of blue should we use.

Tbh I really struggled with that, I work with clients where doing it yesterday is too late. I was banned from shooting from the hip on forums, not always successfully. 

WTID worked to a fashion. It had a meeting with the Coop, Mandaric advisors were monitoring us. I am not sure but one of our cohort was certain it forced Mandaric to make the offer pre admin not post that arising.

But it will flounder because you have the working mens club committee attitude clashing with my type that gets on with it and cares Jack shit about box ticking


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19 minutes ago, mkowl said:

That sort of brings memories back to 2010 when there was an actual meeting of fans groups. Not long after the defeat to Palace and relegation. I attended on behalf of Owlsonline with Moz and Lisa iirc. I had posted on here about the potential for fan ownership, others had mooted it as well. 

To a fashion it worked OK, it spawned WTID and the key thing was that egos were left at the door (even me). It was there I learned about the financial concerns, it helped one worked in insolvency and what turned out to be true rumours were noted to the meeting by him. So WTID came to fore front a bit more.

I took more of a back seat as time progressed, geography in part, the shit show of my work that mirrored  the mess at S6 the other. I still remember posting a "takeover completed" story the day I bought this business. 

So I won't criticise their intentions because why not if you feel passionate about how the club is run, indeed will it survive. 


We didn't lose to Palace!!



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1 hour ago, Otto_Man said:

The group will never truly represent the fan base because anyone who is broadly in favour of allowing DC to carry on won't be included in the conversation.

Absolutely true.

Ironic too that anti-DC folk shower all sorts of abuse and puerile name calling at him yet get all precious when he responds in far more muted (though still admittedly ill advised) terms. Some of them really are nobs.

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There will never be a solution because for most of the louder ones, their issue with Chansiri isn't about football, it's personal.

To them, Chansiri doesn't show them the respect they feel they deserve as 'the lifeblood of the club' and 'it's greatest asset' or whatever.

They want someone to put an arm round them, tell them they're important, still loved and that they're the greatest fans ever in the history of fans.

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12 hours ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

Fucking hell, getting like 'The Wednesday Sing' on here 😄 

Want him gone, Buy him out! That's the only way he'll go. Letters and fan groups would mean jack shit to me and I'm not down several million.

All your posts are negative shit about DC, its fucking tedious. 

Here's a novel idea, support the club.  You're constantly banging the drum on a group that you have no idea who the 3 founders are... Ridiculous

btw Are you the bald owner from Stalk? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I appreciate there is a range of opinions on here. Some don't want any protest, most of us certainly don't want it on matchdays, some would have him frogmarched to Gaza. 

For me Chansiri has taken the Club as far as its feasible. You can't be an hands on owner but do it from Thailand despite the communication capability.

We can't really force him to sell, but honestly it would be better for him, better for the Club if there was serious moves for a transfer to a new owner. 

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1 hour ago, mkowl said:

I appreciate there is a range of opinions on here. Some don't want any protest, most of us certainly don't want it on matchdays, some would have him frogmarched to Gaza. 

For me Chansiri has taken the Club as far as its feasible. You can't be an hands on owner but do it from Thailand despite the communication capability.

We can't really force him to sell, but honestly it would be better for him, better for the Club if there was serious moves for a transfer to a new owner. 

Can’t disagree. 

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Rinse and repeat.

Someone needs to make an offer, negotiate with the owner and agree a fee, complete due diligence and pass the EFL checks and provide ongoing proof of funds, and then pay the money.

Buying Wednesday is not difficult, all the ownership is under DC. But unless some makes a formal approach and meets the criteria I have listed above, there will be no change of ownership.


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3 hours ago, KrolMong said:

Rinse and repeat.

Someone needs to make an offer, negotiate with the owner and agree a fee, complete due diligence and pass the EFL checks and provide ongoing proof of funds, and then pay the money.

Buying Wednesday is not difficult, all the ownership is under DC. But unless some makes a formal approach and meets the criteria I have listed above, there will be no change of ownership.


Will Chansiri actually engage in the process. I know someone who has offered to at least work as an introducer due to their US business contacts and simply as no feedback from up on high. 

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28 minutes ago, Snap said:

DC didn't have the money so had to borrow it with the lender of the money now having a lien on the ground. The capital isn't being reduced by any significant amount, the annual money paid to the lender covers interest only. The loan amount still stands at circa £60m.

Absolute horse shit.


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