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A New Group of Attention Seekers

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Star journalist must have written that, and one who missed this year's legal training on libel.

Accusing DC of not acting in good faith in respect of a purported private transaction (that it appears this consortium have leaked and potentially breaking any NDA) is both disingenuous and  could leave the group open to litigation.

Good luck 😂

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5 minutes ago, Andyben said:

I mean "made substantial profit on what he paid MM" ignores the many tens of millions he's put in on top of the purchase price to buy players and support the push for PL football. 

This will not end well for them.

Its @Bellsviewand DA all over again 😂

Edited by Andyben
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Starts off sensible but then…

a) DC flys into country but no intention to sell

b) consortium is perfect and will do exactly what we all want??

c) all about confidnetialtiy though so can’t so too much about them

d) oh by the way - this is Chansiri demands - positioning -  indeed really as no intention to sell - wants to be there forever ..

e) New consortium happy to share all this with 3 people who once started a racially motivated campaign and wanted to show D.C. they are honest and genuine by sharing all this with said group to happily post to all fans to turn them against the owner.



Edited by EBRA
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Taking the article at face value - and not commenting on the accuracy or inaccuracy thereof - what value would be seen as reasonable for DC to sell. 

Well the old adage is a business is worth what someone will pay for it, well its also worth what someone is prepared to sell it for.

I would argue that the Club - throwing in the stadium - is only worth at best the same as Chansiri paid for it. Clearly if he thinks it's worth more that is his perogative, but the reality. Well we are lower in the pyramid, the playing squad is probably worse and yet again relegation must be a 75% probability.

The amount he has funded the company is totally irrelevant to the valuation - particularly as this as simply funded losses, there is very little investment within that.

I appreciate the Glazers want to retain a majority interest, but that with the Ineos chap won't end well. Neither would this 


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£25m for 49% with option to buy remaining 51% for £35m after 3years or upon promotion to PL which if PL would then crystalise an additional £40m ex-gratia payment.

Assume running costs and commit £10m to playing squad each season.

That's my thinking.

So £60m for the lot or £100m if promoted and save him £Xm per year running costs.

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1 hour ago, HoylandOwl said:



I wonder how much they’d be able to prove in that statement above. Or has this ‘consortium’ told them verbally. There’s a few ‘we understand’ in the statement, in other words - they’ve seen nothing, and taken the word of some consortium who hasn’t shown anything to anyone.

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12 minutes ago, Andyben said:

£25m for 49% with option to buy remaining 51% for £35m after 3years or upon promotion to PL which if PL would then crystalise an additional £40m ex-gratia payment.

Assume running costs and commit £10m to playing squad each season.

That's my thinking.

So £60m for the lot or £100m if promoted and save him £Xm per year running costs.

So that's your offer then 

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As with all their statements they start off being quite measured and businesslike and then descend into a rant. They just never learn.

If there is truth in it then of course Chansiri needs to be called out on it. But I am not blindly going to believe a group that won’t reveal their identity and don’t know where to put a fucking apostrophe. 


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20 minutes ago, Andyben said:

£25m for 49% with option to buy remaining 51% for £35m after 3years or upon promotion to PL which if PL would then crystalise an additional £40m ex-gratia payment.

Assume running costs and commit £10m to playing squad each season.

That's my thinking.

So £60m for the lot or £100m if promoted and save him £Xm per year running costs.

Think it is mooted he paid Mandaric 40m - some chap on Stalk once showed me an extract of the agreement he really shouldn't have but erm.

So I think that would be a reasonable offer really to factor in inflation / a 5% investment type uplift and the modest improvements off the field 

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5 minutes ago, Chelters said:

As with all their statements they start off being quite measured and businesslike and then descend into a rant. They just never learn.

If there is truth in it then of course Chansiri needs to be called out on it. But I am not blindly going to believe a group that won’t reveal their identity and don’t know where to put a fucking apostrophe. 


The truth I suspect is somewhere in the middle.

But I can imagine Chansiri would be "interesting" to negotiate with. 

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10 minutes ago, Andyben said:

He also paid the old loans off didn't he?

Can't recall if that mooted figure included that or not.

But the point is really the valuation of the Club ain't the value of his directors loan balances plus what he paid for the Club in the first place.

And him being the majority shareholder will never work if he presumes that means he retains day to day management. 

I mean him staying as a large minority shareholder could work 


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2 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

I'm reading the 'rant' part of that statement as a go on I dare you to sue, which Chansiri will never do because that will provide the media and the group with incendiary ammunition. 

I mean I am biased but the one thing we focused on back in the day with WTID was retaining professional standards. Tbh I was probably the greatest risk as I could shoot from the hip quite easily.


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Go back 15 years and the tactic was used on the forums. The likes of Sheard, Cloud 9 sought out posters desperate to show their ITK credibility by doing their bidding. 

The funniest was ultimately me getting a phone call from Lee Strafford. Be when Mandaric was the owner and he alluded to a few suggestions on where the funding was sourced. I mean there was such a lack of proof but you can see how if you don't step back and count to 10, your own ego could look to share this. 

But this speaking via a 3rd party is an age old tactic. Jeez even the FT will refer to "a spokesperson said" or "a close contact" in takeover articles.


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To throw a bit of balance, is Chansiri actually minded to sell the Club. I mean in the past he has suggested that if a credible offer is made he would entertain it.

If and its a big if the Trust statement is accurately portraying events, then where does that leave us. 

The risk of due diligence - which whilst in theory is protected by NDA clauses, I am sure there would be some "leaks" to pour oil on the current finances.

I think a real pivotal point will come at season ticket renewal time. Will Wednesday fans loyally renew or will we some more of a quieter rebellion by those not willing to commit money to watch League 1 again 


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3 minutes ago, mkowl said:

To throw a bit of balance, is Chansiri actually minded to sell the Club. I mean in the past he has suggested that if a credible offer is made he would entertain it.

If and its a big if the Trust statement is accurately portraying events, then where does that leave us. 

The risk of due diligence - which whilst in theory is protected by NDA clauses, I am sure there would be some "leaks" to pour oil on the current finances.

I think a real pivotal point will come at season ticket renewal time. Will Wednesday fans loyally renew or will we some more of a quieter rebellion by those not willing to commit money to watch League 1 again 


The key word is "credible" & that means different things to different people. I'm not sure what DC's bar is, but Im sure it will be very much higher than 2 lads off X who thought it'd be great to start a protest account or those who egg them on.

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28 minutes ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

Tyre kickers that they claim have shown proof of funds.

You only get tyre kickers when something is for sale, we’re not there yet 

Nev, quick question.

You've made bids for the club, shown proof of funds, demonstrated that you're real and mean business & the stubborn chairman knocks you back, doesn't provide any information and stops talking to you.  Who do you take your grievances to?

A) The local journos- who combined have got a big reach and can tell a story that's likely to get picked up by Sky etc

B) The lads off X who couldn't arrange for some tennis balls to be lobbed on to the pitch.

C) Nobody, because you're a professional & you know that's not likely to be the end & you can come back in when the Chairman is in a weaker position.




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2 hours ago, Snap said:

That was my point, the tactics of the bottom feeders in this case.

You then go on to ask if he'd be minded to sell. Of course everything has a price and i'd fully expect that would be around £80/90M. Of course, there's nobody going to offer that much for us.

But would he go for £30M whilst retaining ownership of the ground. The club is contracted to pay rent of £3M pa for 30 years. DC has a buy back clause in the contract should things go tits up. I could see anyone attempting to buy using this scenario would attempt to use every tactic they can to force a deal and would hitch themselves to the 1867 Group. I can't see anyone wanting to buy the Club/Ground lock stock and barrel doing so.

Additional problem being some of the fanbase have been whipped up into such a frenzy to get rid of the Chairman they'll literally accept anyone just to be rid. They can't see it, but they're being played. I can't for the life of me think where Revolution Central actually is though.  

Noticeable that the local press have steered clear, from what I've seen anyway.

I would not get too concerned over the stadium rental agreement. It was basically put at 30 years at 2.5m per annum simply to justify the stadium valuation figure of 60m. 

Ok it is currently legally in place but  if all parties agreed then you could revoke it / re negotiate it fairly quickly as part of a deal. 

People get overly phased by this. And yep Chansiri could become the landlord if he wanted to, but he might find no one wants to take on the football club in that scenario 


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2 hours ago, mkowl said:

People get overly phased by this. And yep Chansiri could become the landlord if he wanted to, but he might find no one wants to take on the football club in that scenario 

I'm with you on this. I don't think anyone credible would take us on without the ground but a chancer might think he could get the club on the cheap and then when it's starting to go belly up there's still the opportunity to blame Chansiri for still owning the biggest asset the club had. 

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Protest march, QPR (h) 16th December, 2pm

Further to our request for a meeting with Dejphon Chansiri, we can confirm that the club did indeed offer to enter into dialogue.

We suggested the following;

We would give up anonymity, in exchange for written agreement that members giving up their names, would not face sanctions from the club, in terms of banning orders or any legal action.

We also requested that the minutes from the meeting regarding the potential take-over bid were publicised to the wider fanbase. This would give Wednesdayites the clarity they deserve.

Neither prerequisite could be met by the club and as a result we have no further option, other than to upscale protest movement.

We have listened to the wider fan base, we have no immediate plans for disruptive protest during the games and we are not currently in a position where we feel this is the best course of action. When in the stands, we’re fully behind Danny Röhl and the lads.

We urge you, the fans, to join us in protest of the current ownership of the club at 2pm on 16th December, prior to our home fixture, against QPR.

This protest march will begin at Hawksley avenue, through Hillsborough park and end at the directors entrance under the south stand.

The above is the current intended route but we are in discussions with SAG, the club and SY Police.

We call on all Sheffield Wednesday fans who have had enough of the current regime, to join us in solidarity.

This club was here before and will be here long after the current custodian.

We stand together in saying enough is enough.

The 1867 Group.


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41 minutes ago, EBRA said:

we have no immediate plans for disruptive protest during the games and we are not currently in a position where we feel this is the best course of action.

Finally realised they don't have the weight of numbers to launch their tennis balls

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