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Catherine Dust F****r Zeta Jones' Swansea v Dejphon Chansiri's Glorious Owls


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Sympathy to those making the long trail back.

I didn’t watch it today. I’ve already decided the situation needs to change, even though like others I recognised XM needed time given the lateness of his appointment and the squad being put together.

At the moment though it’s like watching a slow motion train crash.

I don’t think we have a fantastic squad but I do think a good experienced manager that is prepared to be pragmatic could get a tune of the squad we have.

DC needs to decide, would you rather have pragmatic football that keeps us in this league or a failed experiment trying to play tipatapa football with a squad that isn’t capable.

He also needs to think about what he is prepared to pay for a coach that can change our fortunes. Having said that, I do have a small amount of sympathy for him because of how things turned out when he appointed Bruce and Pulis.

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14 minutes ago, Tank_Owl2,0 said:

Just watched the sky short highlights. My god talk about amateur dramatics for the pen. 
If you saw those highlights you could be forgiven for thinking we were a bit unlucky on the balance of the chances to lose 3-0! 
So Not having seen the game I suspect many of you would beg to differ.

Dramatic yes, being pulled back, yet diving forward.  BUT... He was grabbed.

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Penalty right in front of me - soft yes, but he did grab him. 
No complaints .. well not about that incident anyway.

Awful to watch today - but we can’t afford to ditch him without a man lined up to take over as I don’t think we have the luxury of allowing us to drift under a caretaker whilst Hillsborough implodes.

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Once again, another shambles of a performance. £50 quid match day tickets for this shower of rubbish!!! Expensive tickets gets you better players they say, oh do shut up. Evidence here suggests not.

This manager (if you can call him a manager that is) is making Alan Irvine look like Arsene Wenger. Can't defend, can't attack, can't pass, its an embarrassment. He stays till the end of the season, we'll be lucky to get double figures at this rate. Utter fraud of a manager, who has had us outplayed by league two sides at Hillsborough let alone championship sides

If he's not gone after the Sunderland game (providing he's still here), then we may as well write off the season and start preparing for league one because that's where we're going


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13 hours ago, KrolMong said:

We’ve got a coach who isn’t doing any coaching and is making Jos and Monk look like Sir Alex and Pep. We’ve signed a group of players who are simply not up to this level which is added to a group of players from last season who are not good enough for this level, and we have a forward line that is categorically not good enough for this division.

You add them all together and you have a team that a fully deserving of being bottom of the league, because every team we have played this season has had extended spells of dominance.

I maintained throughout the window that we needed proven Championship quality, and we needed to spend big on a striker. We did neither. The investment in the squad is down to the owner and his advisors. The players we have signed is down to the coach, the owner and his advisors, and the way we are playing, is down to the coach, his staff and the players. None of it is working.

It’s a shambles.

We did need this and I agree but we have brought in players with a fair amount of championship experience in Buckley, Hendrick, Diaby, Fletcher, Bernard. Add to that existing experience in Bannan, Windass, Ihiekwe, Smith, Byers and Gregory. So not all complete newbies and whilst they may not be top players at this level they are on a par with the bottom sides who are looking more credible than us and that is down to the manager. There is just a clear mismatch between what this manager needed and what the squad actually is and that’s where the blame likes with Chansiri but he needs to now rectify it and fast 

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13 minutes ago, TheExile said:

We did need this and I agree but we have brought in players with a fair amount of championship experience in Buckley, Hendrick, Diaby, Fletcher, Bernard. Add to that existing experience in Bannan, Windass, Ihiekwe, Smith, Byers and Gregory. So not all complete newbies and whilst they may not be top players at this level they are on a par with the bottom sides who are looking more credible than us and that is down to the manager. There is just a clear mismatch between what this manager needed and what the squad actually is and that’s where the blame likes with Chansiri but he needs to now rectify it and fast 

Players with championship experience, yes. But by seemingly being asked to play in an unfamiliar way, which negates the experience almost.


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10 hours ago, HoylandOwl said:

There are varying opinions on here for sure, but I don't disagree with these sentiments. 

You already have 3 weeks less prep time as a result of the play offs, the positivity and momentum ordinarily carries you for a few weeks and hopefully new signings have consolidated. 

I mean if there was a list of things not to do on gaining promotion, then we have ticked most. And no hiding that Chansiri is responsible for all of that


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2 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

There are varying opinions on here for sure, but I don't disagree with these sentiments. 

You already have 3 weeks less prep time as a result of the play offs, the positivity and momentum ordinarily carries you for a few weeks and hopefully new signings have consolidated. 

I mean if there was a list of things not to do on gaining promotion, then we have ticked most. And no hiding that Chansiri is responsible for all of that


I can’t disagree with you MK.

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1 minute ago, HoylandOwl said:

Just a thought. 
Would DC employ Colin if he sacked Xisco, just to metaphorically stick the v’s up to his detractors?

There is that chance, but cross referencing to my posts on the attention seekers thread, I am not convinced he would employ a character larger than his own, one that would own the room shall we say 

I genuinely think he liked Moore but not once Moore got the media attention and plaudits not him. 


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10 hours ago, EBRA said:

Penalty right in front of me - soft yes, but he did grab him. 
No complaints .. well not about that incident anyway.

Awful to watch today - but we can’t afford to ditch him without a man lined up to take over as I don’t think we have the luxury of allowing us to drift under a caretaker whilst Hillsborough implodes.

As opposed to drifting under this useless twat 

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22 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

Players with championship experience, yes. But by seemingly being asked to play in an unfamiliar way, which negates the experience almost.


Yeah as we are playing in a manner which they’re not capable of really or just doesn’t play to strengths. We don’t have great champ players but still neither do a few others with points on the board.

Without re writing history, I think it was evident that the style under DM wasnt the most dynamic and was one dimensional. It was universally agreed we needed to change that. So we have tried to do so with xisco but in doing so haven’t then really made the recruitment necessary. In the interim we’ve tried all sorts of formations and ultimately reverted back to the same wing back approach with the only change really being that we pass it in zig zags around the back and have no left flank and no real way through to the forwards.

Strengths last season were

- Johnson on the left, even if quiet would typically get a quality ball or two over - doesn’t even play

- Smith or Gregory being the ones getting onto the above and about 30 goal between them- only one of them plays and the supplier doesn’t/hasn’t been upgraded 

- Windass played better centrally - now looks to have lost that but of pace over distance from when he was at rangers as a younger player so can’t really play as well out wide and just seems a bit boxed in there.

- Palmer was excellent at rwb at times and should hold his own. He’s not fit to be fair but doesn’t seem to be playing the same role. 

Byers - again fitness likely a factor but another key goal threat not really getting in the box. 

Defenders putting bodies on the line and blocking - now a zonal system where everyone thinks too much and allows chances. Focus in defence has been more about playing a high line and ability on ball rather than whether they defend 

All of the above have been shredded without a viable alternative. Only bright sparks being Valentin going forward and a few bits from Musaba.

Whilst simply sticking with last seasons approach was also likely flawed as we lacked energy at the top of the pitch and the outputs from last season wouldn’t be matched at this level but surely you’d build on it. We need someone to come in and try and play to our strengths and get some confidence in them if that’s now even possible. Grind out some turgid results 

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8 minutes ago, TheExile said:

Johnson’s stock has risen since he’s been cut out of the team. Buts it’s more a point that we haven’t then improved that position and the team hasn’t had an attacking outlet 

Yes, the wages for Johnson, James and maybe Fletcher might have funded a genuine striker upgrade.

Young Gassama is a left winger who might  yet step up. Maybe he's not quite ready for the physicality of the championship and this is being worked on.... we can but hope.

Back to MJ... he had his moments in League 1 but even there his defending and lack of pace were being exposed. James,  despite his limitations, is surely a better bet on the left than Delgado 

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21 minutes ago, Teddy Nickelarse said:

Yes, the wages for Johnson, James and maybe Fletcher might have funded a genuine striker upgrade.

Young Gassama is a left winger who might  yet step up. Maybe he's not quite ready for the physicality of the championship and this is being worked on.... we can but hope.

Back to MJ... he had his moments in League 1 but even there his defending and lack of pace were being exposed. James,  despite his limitations, is surely a better bet on the left than Delgado 

I like the Gassama signing. It’s one potentially for further down the road, we can’t really lose. No fee that we’re aware of too.

It’s a more positive gamble than someone like Taylor IMO. 

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At the start of the summer, we all were pretty much aligned on what we needed.

We needed a right back (we got two), we needed a left back (we got none), we needed center halves (we got two). We needed pace out wide (we got two), we more quality in our midfield (we addressed that at the end of the window), we needed strikers (we got one),

In actual fact, and looking at what we have signed. Have we actually addressed any of the issues?

Valentin looks good going forward and poor defensively. Delgado, very busy, very energetic, zero quality when he has the ball. Bernard, yep, like him. Diaby, doesn’t look Championship quality but is young. Diaby the midfield player, injured. Hendrick, has done nothing at all since he’s been here. Buckley, looks a good player but offers very little when the other team have the ball. Musaba, I quite like tythe look of him. Gassama, can’t get anywhere near the team. Fletcher, not good enough for this level, and not even convinced he’s good enough for the level below.

So, we didn’t address the left back slot, we didn’t address the striker spot, we are hoping Diaby comes back and sorts that midfield issue out, but, that’s several months away. We signed two wingers and one can’t get a look in whilst the other is playing down the middle. We have a mish-mash at center half, but we should have enough to find a set-up.

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That was the output from Johnson last season which is why we kept him. Stats are not the full picture but shows he was influential in a successful team. A big game player too as seen in the derby and Peterborough home games.

If we couldn’t improve on that with a younger and more powerful version or as xisxo initially tried, change to a workable alternative then it just sticks out as one of many issues culminating in where we are now as a team. Confused.


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Fairly easy to good in league one when you're 32, not so much the championship...

Also harsh to compare him just to L1 full backs when he was employed entirely as an attacking wing back, be interested to see his stats compared to L1 wingers... suspect there's a good reason we're not seeing those..


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That’s not really the point though, it’s more that we had a pattern of play that clearly went through the likes of Johnson so much that he got those stats. It’s not necessarily suggesting he would repeat it to that level in the championship. To deviate from that would be fine if the personnel were then signed to do that but it’s like we’ve got trapped between the idea of changing for the better, keeping more or less the same attacking players, ditching 2/3 and we wonder why we can’t really create much.  If nothing else, you’d surely keep the option of sticking more or less  with what was working before even if it wasn’t ideal, if you didn’t get your targets. Plymouth just put six past Norwich and I’d bet their budget is meagre too.

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