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Euros 2024

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1 minute ago, KrolMong said:

Every single England player is trying to come short. Not one of the attacking three behind is trying to make the pitch big and stretch the game and stay high.

Just said the same thing to my lad. Our first move is always backwards 

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Do Stones and Walker know there’s other players they can pass to?

The worst part of this is every time we’ve remotely gone at them they’ve shit themselves. They are there for the taking. 

The Swiss must be pissing themselves at this first 45. Fucking bye to the semis on this showing whoever they get. 

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Absolute dog shit.

Fucking clueless. No desire, fuck all fight in them, no passion, no leader, a big nosed useless twat on the sideline who ought to be sacked before the second half starts, no runners off the ball, no tactics, it’s an absolute utter shit show!

Fucking embarrassing! 

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2 minutes ago, mkowl said:

To me it's like watching Wednesday for a good chunk of the period between the first year of Carlos and upto Rohl - slow build up, pragmatic over style, no desire to win

It’s exactly this. We’ve all been watching this exact shit for years, which is why we all know that the problem is the manager. 

The only plus side is thank god we have Danny now, and soon England will have… literally anyone else. 

Tide’ll turn by next World Cup. 

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Let's just be grateful we've another 30 minutes to progress to the next round. Slovakia must be so deflated now, we should be able to win this.

Then hold Southgate to account.


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