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1 hour ago, BraddersTim said:


But facts:

Rwanda: gone

Detention Ship: going.

Suellas daft migration bill: will go.





And now they come in their thousands from war torn France.

I wonder what attracts them. It can't be the climate. Must be free taxpayers money.

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10 hours ago, Greno said:

And now they come in their thousands from war torn France.

I wonder what attracts them. It can't be the climate. Must be free taxpayers money.

It's ok to have a right wing outlook on the issue, totally detached from the facts.

It's just that, for at least 5 years, there will be a Government that takes an approach that is directly opposite to yours.

You had a good run though.

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2 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

It's a pertinent answer to a stupid question - as has already been established.

No it hasn't.

You obfuscated, posted glaring untruths and then resorted to insults and ran off "to watch TV" but what you didn't do is answer anything.

I took the time to answer you and would have hopes the original question would have been addressed but no.

OK it's probably a rhetorical question but it certainly isn't stupid.

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14 minutes ago, Andyben said:

No it hasn't.

You obfuscated, posted glaring untruths and then resorted to insults and ran off "to watch TV" but what you didn't do is answer anything.

I took the time to answer you and would have hopes the original question would have been addressed but no.

OK it's probably a rhetorical question but it certainly isn't stupid.

None of that is true. I answered one question, which was the only one that bordered on sensible. The others came from prejudice and were worded to elicit answers to support that prejudice, so I gave them no airtime. And tbh Andy, you're not really in a position to complain about "personal insults" are you? 

Nobody HAS to answer ANY question that you ask & you have no right to demand that they do. But, if you phrase a question reasonably & don't double down the whole time, you are likely to get answers. The question then is have you developed enough now to debate them respectfully or will you just try and shatter them so you can claim "a win"?

I might have mentioned before, but I don't play that game with you anymore. 

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21 minutes ago, Andyben said:

Detached from what facts.


The numbers that come, relative to other countries.

The reasons why they come.

The reasons why "boats" became a major government policy including breaking International Law & "leaving" ECHR".

The available alternatives. 

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7 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

The numbers that come, relative to other countries.

The reasons why they come.

The reasons why "boats" became a major government policy including breaking International Law & "leaving" ECHR".

The available alternatives. 

Let's be honest Tim, no one would object to women and children from war torn countries seeking safety here, however every fucking boat is full of men of fighting age who have a different set of moral values to ours in many things! That's my issue, look at the fucking rise in knife crime in the past decade and the demographic of the main protagonists of that.

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I presume Bradders will be along to explain how a 17 year old Syrian refugee is just a bit misunderstood. Perhaps he should explain that to the parents of the kids he killed 

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I assume Bradders will be along to explain how a 17 year old originally from Cardiff living in Banks is just a bit misunderstood

Wait, what?? From Cardiff??? But, but Stephen Yaxley Lennon told me on X he was from Syria/Eritrea/Djibouti etc


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7 hours ago, Kiwi Owl said:

I assume Bradders will be along to explain how a 17 year old originally from Cardiff living in Banks is just a bit misunderstood

Wait, what?? From Cardiff??? But, but Stephen Yaxley Lennon told me on X he was from Syria/Eritrea/Djibouti etc


I am presuming that is where Tommy Robinson has fucked off to !

I broke my own rule tbh going on X and reading the shit from all sides. People do use that platform to spout and manipulate. Where are the cause celebs who couldn't wait to condemn the Manchester police but are now hidden when the fuller context us seen.

However I genuinely sense the UK is close to a tipping point on race relations, levels of immigration etc. The lack of integration, that the rules don't apply, the mob rule and no go areas. 

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10 hours ago, mkowl said:

I presume Bradders will be along to explain how a 17 year old Syrian refugee is just a bit misunderstood. Perhaps he should explain that to the parents of the kids he killed 

Not using the death of children to make political points even though this isn't (apparently) true.

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1 hour ago, BraddersTim said:

Not using the death of children to make political points even though this isn't (apparently) true.

You can't avoid the politics in all this - and if it was a white lad that had attacked Muslims you can bet the motive would be not be classed as a mental health issue.

Amazing how little fucking back tracking there was when the bigger picture video appeared from Manchester 

Or the politicians criticising the police were strangely grateful when one took a bullet outside Parliament a few years ago. 

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1 hour ago, Skamp said:

Anyway, back to politics. 

The lies continue to be believed by the gullible but hey ho, we warned you, me and @Andyben kept on warning you 

Union barons 1 little grannie 0

Wait until October for the mask to really be removed.


Oh, before you start - surprise my arse

Didn't really look very fucking hard did you love?

The counter to all that is the Tories were racking up the credit card but hiding the statements 

That there is a truth being told that the cost of the strikes in the NHS is huge, but I will concur the unions will smell a weakness here and be lining up for another go 

I have had it with party politics in truth - they are all ***** 

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5 hours ago, Skamp said:

Anyway, back to politics. 

The lies continue to be believed by the gullible but hey ho, we warned you, me and @Andyben kept on warning you 

Union barons 1 little grannie 0

Wait until October for the mask to really be removed.


Oh, before you start - surprise my arse

Didn't really look very fucking hard did you love?

Quite an angry post.

Now, I said before the election, I don't like Rachel Reeves and I definitely don't like her austerity plans. The country does not need more Tory policies, it needs growth, it needs public services restoring & as much as anything people, especially at the bottom, need hope.

On the Junior Doctors, 22% over 2 years sounds a lot but part of that is not a pay rise as such, but putting the pay towards what it should be for that extremely demanding job. Labour need to get waiting lists down after the Tories disastrous actions, so they need every NHS worker on side. If they achieve it, the health of the nation improves & other costs go down. Allied to it being cheaper to settle the dispute at a negotiated figure than to let it carry on and it's a sensible decision.

Re your "granny" - as a Tory I'd have thought that means testing certain benefits to ensure they're being paid to those who need them would be right up your street? I know my mum in law gets it, but doesn't really need it, there must be many more in that position. I probably "should" be against this measure, and I am a bit as it makes me wonder what's coming next on the back of the £22bn black hole that Hunt & Sunak lied to the country about. Being called a , "liar" in the way Hunt was yesterday is about as strong as it gets in politics & she wouldn't have been able to do it without the evidence to back it up. I don't like her, but she's smart, she's no Braverman or Badenoch that's for sure.

I wondered more than once during the election it Sunak was trying to lose it, it looks like that was exactly what was happening.

And, whilst we're on the subject of wasting money...

Bibi Stockholm, £1.6bn

Rwanda 700m 

PPE Contracts, certainly hundreds of millions, I lost track of the numbers but there are some very rich ex pub landlords with good connections.

COVID Fraud @andyben will let me put 4.5bn here, but that's the lowest end, it could be 6-7bn or higher.

This is eye wateringly bad mismanagement and/or corruption. Thank Fuck they're gone.

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4 hours ago, mkowl said:

You can't avoid the politics in all this - and if it was a white lad that had attacked Muslims you can bet the motive would be not be classed as a mental health issue.

Amazing how little fucking back tracking there was when the bigger picture video appeared from Manchester 

Or the politicians criticising the police were strangely grateful when one took a bullet outside Parliament a few years ago. 

Without talking about the incident.

I find it bizarre that people make something up, post it on X just to spread their own racist views, oblivious to the damage & pain it can cause and thousands more retweet it, add their bile to it and make it a "truth" even for a few hours.

What's wrong with people? 

One day there will be a refugee who attacks someone, it will happen and we've got a flavour of what the reaction will be. I'll likely be asked to explain it to the parents FFS. 

And as for the Manchester police video, the full video certainly didn't justify the coppers actions to me, or for many other people including serving police officers.

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5 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Without talking about the incident.

I find it bizarre that people make something up, post it on X just to spread their own racist views, oblivious to the damage & pain it can cause and thousands more retweet it, add their bile to it and make it a "truth" even for a few hours.

What's wrong with people? 

One day there will be a refugee who attacks someone, it will happen and we've got a flavour of what the reaction will be. I'll likely be asked to explain it to the parents FFS. 

And as for the Manchester police video, the full video certainly didn't justify the coppers actions to me, or for many other people including serving police officers.

Like I say I made the error I try and usually avoid of presuming certain comments were fact. 

It is questionable on the airport incident. It's conjecture, but if the police thought the risk was their guns could be taken then it's justifiable. If that had been the MEN Arena a few years ago and the police had taken out said person in said manner would there be criticism ? 

It's all about that moment and I suspect even the copper involved questions why or knows what he feared could happen and does know the why


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5 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

On the Junior Doctors, 22% over 2 years sounds a lot but part of that is not a pay rise as such, but putting the pay towards what it should be for that extremely demanding job. Labour need to get waiting lists down after the Tories disastrous actions, so they need every NHS worker on side. If they achieve it, the health of the nation improves & other costs go down. Allied to it being cheaper to settle the dispute at a negotiated figure than to let it carry on and it's a sensible decision.

An NHS worker (indeed, any worker) shouldn't need a pay rise in order to do their job properly. They chose the profession and are there to save lives, not go in the huff and stop working when it suits.

Going on strike should be an automatic 2 year stint in Prison.

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49 minutes ago, EastCraigsOwl said:

An NHS worker (indeed, any worker) shouldn't need a pay rise in order to do their job properly. They chose the profession and are there to save lives, not go in the huff and stop working when it suits.

Going on strike should be an automatic 2 year stint in Prison.

Don't you think that saving lives is worth a fair pay settlement? 

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1 hour ago, mkowl said:

Like I say I made the error I try and usually avoid of presuming certain comments were fact. 

It is questionable on the airport incident. It's conjecture, but if the police thought the risk was their guns could be taken then it's justifiable. If that had been the MEN Arena a few years ago and the police had taken out said person in said manner would there be criticism ? 

It's all about that moment and I suspect even the copper involved questions why or knows what he feared could happen and does know the why


It's not questionable MK.

He'd assaulted the copper, he'd been tasered, he was still attached to the taser so he was incapable of being a threat. What the copper did then was out of control and could well have killed him.

That's fine for those people who believe (like Richard Tice) that brown people who hit coppers should have their heads stomped on. But if you think that an experienced, highly trained police officer with a taser and a gun should behave according to their training, even under stress, it's clearly at the very least "assault".

I ended up watching the Channel 5 crap Emergency programme last night and they showed an incident in Grimsby where Police officers were attacked, hit and kicked. They handled it textbook and Yes one officer threw a punch, but it was clearly justifiable. Just a very interesting comparison & topical.

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14 hours ago, mkowl said:

I am presuming that is where Tommy Robinson has fucked off to !

I broke my own rule tbh going on X and reading the shit from all sides. People do use that platform to spout and manipulate. Where are the cause celebs who couldn't wait to condemn the Manchester police but are now hidden when the fuller context us seen.

However I genuinely sense the UK is close to a tipping point on race relations, levels of immigration etc. The lack of integration, that the rules don't apply, the mob rule and no go areas. 

Given the folk of Southport are making a display of angst this evening outside a mosque maybe my prediction is arising a bit sooner than I thought 

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36 minutes ago, mkowl said:

Given the folk of Southport are making a display of angst this evening outside a mosque maybe my prediction is arising a bit sooner than I thought 

I'm sure that everyone on here will be 100% ok with police stomping on rioters heads tonight. Yes? 

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1 minute ago, BraddersTim said:

I'm sure that everyone on here will be 100% ok with police stomping on rioters heads tonight. Yes? 

Well at least the riot police turn up unlike in Harehills 


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27 million impressions on X for posts stating or speculating that the attacker was Muslim, a migrants, refugee or foreigner. 

Usual suspects grifting and influencing, Darren Grimes, Andrew Tate, not just Yaxley Lennon & Farage. Some specific accounts & bots which spread islamophobic material.

There was no legitimate source for the Arab sounding name that featured heavily in these posts.

Then tonight the EDL turn up, not for the vigil, but around the corner to attack the police and a mosque. 

Undoubtedly tonight is worrying & the result of a very deliberate agenda playing out.


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7 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

27 million impressions on X for posts stating or speculating that the attacker was Muslim, a migrants, refugee or foreigner. 

Usual suspects grifting and influencing, Darren Grimes, Andrew Tate, not just Yaxley Lennon & Farage. Some specific accounts & bots which spread islamophobic material.

There was no legitimate source for the Arab sounding name that featured heavily in these posts.

Then tonight the EDL turn up, not for the vigil, but around the corner to attack the police and a mosque. 

Undoubtedly tonight is worrying & the result of a very deliberate agenda playing out.


The problem is that the liberal elite will equally on social media try and spin their views. Most of us see that as trying to control the agenda to suit their views. What X and Facebook do is create a level playing field for spouting shit 

So is it the EDL turning up or just angry locals or a mix. Who is spinning what here. I don't know, what I do know is more and more ordinary folk are fed up about the level of immigration, the 2 tier policing etc. The liberals like with Brexit refuse to accept that other views are not simply racist. 

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Ignoring the background of the attacker for a moment, how does him being 17 and so treat as a juvenile and so can't be named for legal reasins fit in with giving votes to 16 year olds?

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8 minutes ago, mkowl said:

The problem is that the liberal elite will equally on social media try and spin their views. Most of us see that as trying to control the agenda to suit their views. What X and Facebook do is create a level playing field for spouting shit 

So is it the EDL turning up or just angry locals or a mix. Who is spinning what here. I don't know, what I do know is more and more ordinary folk are fed up about the level of immigration, the 2 tier policing etc. The liberals like with Brexit refuse to accept that other views are not simply racist. 

Out of interest - which social media platforms are controlled by the Liberal Elite?

You've already stated that Meta & X aren't, which is true. So what is?

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1 minute ago, Skamp said:

Ignoring the background of the attacker for a moment, how does him being 17 and so treat as a juvenile and so can't be named for legal reasins fit in with giving votes to 16 year olds?

What I've heard (but won't repeat because I don't know it's true) is quite the story and to do with his father.

It might be bollocks though.

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17 hours ago, mkowl said:

I am presuming that is where Tommy Robinson has fucked off to !

I broke my own rule tbh going on X and reading the shit from all sides. People do use that platform to spout and manipulate. Where are the cause celebs who couldn't wait to condemn the Manchester police but are now hidden when the fuller context us seen.

However I genuinely sense the UK is close to a tipping point on race relations, levels of immigration etc. The lack of integration, that the rules don't apply, the mob rule and no go areas. 

Honestly, the best thing when these sort of incidents happen is to avoid X and other social media platforms if at all possible. People like Lennon, Owen Jones etc get away with all sorts of nonsense spouting on these platforms with incidents like this. Long for the day when you had to wait for BBC/Sky news to release statements from the police about what has happened and who did this.

I'm glad it wasn't around when Thomas Hamilton carried his criminal act out. 

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7 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Out of interest - which social media platforms are controlled by the Liberal Elite?

You've already stated that Meta & X aren't, which is true. So what is?

I didn't say were controlled.

I said the liberal elites use it, in exactly the same way as the far right drivel folk do, both seeking to control the media and debate.

Can you say the BBC is not impacted by bias in a liberal way. How quick were they to report the police narrative of it being the EDL, which apparently has not existed for 10 years. How quick do they report that incidents are mental health not terror related. I can accept there is blurring between the 2 in that those with mental health issues could be attracted to violence and terrorism is a route.

But the bland reporting of an incident in Southend, was that gang related, drug related related to migrants. Owen Jones will tell us his narrative for sure.

And it is the blinkered nature of it all, there is no open minded thinking 

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5 hours ago, Kiwi Owl said:

Honestly, the best thing when these sort of incidents happen is to avoid X and other social media platforms if at all possible. People like Lennon, Owen Jones etc get away with all sorts of nonsense spouting on these platforms with incidents like this. Long for the day when you had to wait for BBC/Sky news to release statements from the police about what has happened and who did this.

I'm glad it wasn't around when Thomas Hamilton carried his criminal act out. 

You are 100% correct and I realised in this case how easy it can be to get sucked in to a view. 

But the left wing mob are just as selective in their views as the right wing mob. The hypocrisy and their counter claims of hypocrisy I find fascinating and disturbing at the same time

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2 hours ago, mkowl said:

You are 100% correct and I realised in this case how easy it can be to get sucked in to a view. 

But the left wing mob are just as selective in their views as the right wing mob. The hypocrisy and their counter claims of hypocrisy I find fascinating and disturbing at the same time

Where are you getting your information from MK? Genuine question 

I ask because on X, #Southport was a cesspit and it was 99.9% right wing racist bile. Now given my politics, you'd expect the algorithm to behave differently but it didn't because Musk has made X a right wing platform and he means it to work like this. 

It's why many with left wing views have left & gone to Threads, which is also full of porn bots. 

Owen Jones is a notable left wing dick on X, but he's very much outnumbered on the other side.

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12 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Don't you think that saving lives is worth a fair pay settlement? 

It is. But, as they're public servants (their choice), it is partly affected by what the Government can afford / is willing to offer.

If they're not happy with their remuneration levels, they can always go elsewhere.

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51 minutes ago, EastCraigsOwl said:

It is. But, as they're public servants (their choice), it is partly affected by what the Government can afford / is willing to offer.

If they're not happy with their remuneration levels, they can always go elsewhere.

I'm glad that you're not in charge of the negotiations 😂

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50 minutes ago, EastCraigsOwl said:

It is. But, as they're public servants (their choice), it is partly affected by what the Government can afford / is willing to offer.

If they're not happy with their remuneration levels, they can always go elsewhere.

As much as I agree with the first sentence, I don't think the second one is helpful in anyway.

Junior Doctor's know what they are getting into when they join the profession, you're right.  In the same way that nurses, bus drivers, shop assistants do except that they, and nurses, have a slightly different kind of universal support for the work they do than the rest.

That said, they are fully tax payer funded for their training and they enjoy a better pension prospect than shop assistants do. Holding the government, the patients and the NHS to ransom though wins zero support.

Giving in to this 22% over two years opens the door for Unite, Unison, the GMB, and others to start rubbing their hands in glee come October/ November time as they start the April 1st pay negotiations and the more they get, the higher inflation will become.  The higher inflation, the higher interest rates and then the higher the cost of living and off we go.

Government deficits  then get bigger and, erm, erm, lets think what they then do to reduce that gap. Erm...

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9 minutes ago, Skamp said:

As much as I agree with the first sentence, I don't think the second one is helpful in anyway.

Junior Doctor's know what they are getting into when they join the profession, you're right.  In the same way that nurses, bus drivers, shop assistants do except that they, and nurses, have a slightly different kind of universal support for the work they do than the rest.

That said, they are fully tax payer funded for their training and they enjoy a better pension prospect than shop assistants do. Holding the government, the patients and the NHS to ransom though wins zero support.

Giving in to this 22% over two years opens the door for Unite, Unison, the GMB, and others to start rubbing their hands in glee come October/ November time as they start the April 1st pay negotiations and the more they get, the higher inflation will become.  The higher inflation, the higher interest rates and then the higher the cost of living and off we go.

Government deficits  then get bigger and, erm, erm, lets think what they then do to reduce that gap. Erm...

Stop handing out massive dodgy contracts to their mates and donors?

Cancel contracts put in place at massive public expense just to stoke nationalism such as Rwanda/Bibby Stockholm?

That's what you were going to say, right? 

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12 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

27 million impressions on X for posts stating or speculating that the attacker was Muslim, a migrants, refugee or foreigner. 

Usual suspects grifting and influencing, Darren Grimes, Andrew Tate, not just Yaxley Lennon & Farage. Some specific accounts & bots which spread islamophobic material.

There was no legitimate source for the Arab sounding name that featured heavily in these posts.

Then tonight the EDL turn up, not for the vigil, but around the corner to attack the police and a mosque. 

Undoubtedly tonight is worrying & the result of a very deliberate agenda playing out.


The EDL have been defunct for a decade?

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3 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:


3 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

So they say, so for EDL use Britain First or any other of the various groups, there's no doubting what it was is there?

Just pointing out FACTS thats all...

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1 minute ago, BraddersTim said:

Yeah and fair enough, didn't they disband after several high ranking members were done for paedo crimes?

Ironic really.

Wouldn't know, was Huw Edwards a member?

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Great videos today of the local community rebuilding the wall outside the mosque. Took them 3 hours but restored it. White English, Muslim and others working together. 

That's the England I want to live in. Not that scummy racist version we saw last night. 

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