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Politics shit innit

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1 hour ago, BraddersTim said:

Great videos today of the local community rebuilding the wall outside the mosque. Took them 3 hours but restored it. White English, Muslim and others working together. 

That's the England I want to live in. Not that scummy racist version we saw last night. 

Something I wholeheartedly agree with.

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22 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Great videos today of the local community rebuilding the wall outside the mosque. Took them 3 hours but restored it. White English, Muslim and others working together. 

That's the England I want to live in. Not that scummy racist version we saw last night. 




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On 31/07/2024 at 08:46, BraddersTim said:

Where are you getting your information from MK? Genuine question 

I ask because on X, #Southport was a cesspit and it was 99.9% right wing racist bile. Now given my politics, you'd expect the algorithm to behave differently but it didn't because Musk has made X a right wing platform and he means it to work like this. 

It's why many with left wing views have left & gone to Threads, which is also full of porn bots. 

Owen Jones is a notable left wing dick on X, but he's very much outnumbered on the other side.

I can't really answer that, I follow folk that i think could be interesting, but perhaps I fuck with the algorithm because the test is interesting, not that I agree their views. 

So I follow both Tommy Robinson and Owen Jones, neither would be on my Christmas card list. 

The point is there are various posts this afternoon about the Algerian boxer fighting in the women's competition. 

I get JK Rowling and Graham Linehan expressing outrage, but various others saying said person was born female.

So much disinformation and bias on one person. 


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I found Starmers speech tonight to be very worrying indeed, he's ignored most of the recent atrocities and used trouble in Southport which I think was 70% concerned locals and 30% agitators) as an excuse to introduce facial recognition and curb freedom of speech, in future the rise in violent crime and atrocities could be well and truly hidden from the public gaze and any one who even tries to mention them censored and deplatformed.

I've also noticed on X in the last few days dozens of left leaning posts regarding the "riots" in Southport that are definitely posted to flame arguments but they're all saying the same thing with slighty different wording, its like a divide is being forced on us.

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7 hours ago, 80s Owl said:

I found Starmers speech tonight to be very worrying indeed, he's ignored most of the recent atrocities and used trouble in Southport which I think was 70% concerned locals and 30% agitators) as an excuse to introduce facial recognition and curb freedom of speech, in future the rise in violent crime and atrocities could be well and truly hidden from the public gaze and any one who even tries to mention them censored and deplatformed.

I've also noticed on X in the last few days dozens of left leaning posts regarding the "riots" in Southport that are definitely posted to flame arguments but they're all saying the same thing with slighty different wording, its like a divide is being forced on us.

The interesting angle is how you see the narrative is less capable of being controlled. The liberal elite try their best, hence the now labelling of anyone protesting as "far right" agitators, the suggestion that local protests are fuelled by outsiders. I am sure there is an element of truth in that, but where Starmer will lose is labelling ordinary people in such terms. Those who are generally concerned that the rise in immigration is creating social issues that the liberal elite simply dismiss - because they are not impacted day to day. The story they are not daring to tell 

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2 hours ago, mkowl said:

The interesting angle is how you see the narrative is less capable of being controlled. The liberal elite try their best, hence the now labelling of anyone protesting as "far right" agitators, the suggestion that local protests are fuelled by outsiders. I am sure there is an element of truth in that, but where Starmer will lose is labelling ordinary people in such terms. Those who are generally concerned that the rise in immigration is creating social issues that the liberal elite simply dismiss - because they are not impacted day to day. The story they are not daring to tell 

Couple of points here.

The rise in immigration is legal immigration, the boat numbers are very small in comparison.

Immigration is a nett contribution to the country.

*"Liberal Elite" is such a funny term...you've just had 14 years of being run by the elite and look what they did. Reading some of the posts on here the culture war they created & fostered has been successful.

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2 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Couple of points here.

The rise in immigration is legal immigration, the boat numbers are very small in comparison.

Immigration is a nett contribution to the country.

*"Liberal Elite" is such a funny term...you've just had 14 years of being run by the elite and look what they did. Reading some of the posts on here the culture war they created & fostered has been successful.

How do you know how small the boat numbers are if there's no official record, there are currently 38,000 in various hotels at a huge cost, they will eventually need housing and possibly bring over family members, this negates your second point.

There isn't a fag paper width of difference between the current two main parties.

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21 minutes ago, 80s Owl said:

How do you know how small the boat numbers are if there's no official record, there are currently 38,000 in various hotels at a huge cost, they will eventually need housing and possibly bring over family members, this negates your second point.

There isn't a fag paper width of difference between the current two main parties.

They will also eventually be cleared to work and will contribute to the economy, pay taxes etc.

Economically - I broadly agree re the 2 parties, i've said it more than once on here if you look back.  On some other issues though, it's already clear that Labour are taking a very different and much more practical approach.

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4 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Couple of points here.

The rise in immigration is legal immigration, the boat numbers are very small in comparison.

Immigration is a nett contribution to the country.

*"Liberal Elite" is such a funny term...you've just had 14 years of being run by the elite and look what they did. Reading some of the posts on here the culture war they created & fostered has been successful.

What metric are you using out of interest ? 


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4 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Couple of points here.

The rise in immigration is legal immigration, the boat numbers are very small in comparison.

Immigration is a nett contribution to the country.

*"Liberal Elite" is such a funny term...you've just had 14 years of being run by the elite and look what they did. Reading some of the posts on here the culture war they created & fostered has been successful.

but then far right thugs is a pretty generic term to attach to anyone raising any form of protest 

The argument has been so far skewed to the woke point of view that any dissenting voice that is actually a reasonable mid ground view is considered extremist. The difference is social media has become a free ground - particularly X post Musk - that alternative views are being heard a lot more. Not all pleasant but I would say the tide is turning somewhat to ask pertinent questions about the impacts of immigration. 

For the avoidance of doubt the Tories are pretty culpable especially on student numbers, but the whole lack of joined up thinking that requires immigration to top up the numbers in the NHS, social care etc for them to function 


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22 minutes ago, mkowl said:

but then far right thugs is a pretty generic term to attach to anyone raising any form of protest 

The argument has been so far skewed to the woke point of view that any dissenting voice that is actually a reasonable mid ground view is considered extremist. The difference is social media has become a free ground - particularly X post Musk - that alternative views are being heard a lot more. Not all pleasant but I would say the tide is turning somewhat to ask pertinent questions about the impacts of immigration. 

For the avoidance of doubt the Tories are pretty culpable especially on student numbers, but the whole lack of joined up thinking that requires immigration to top up the numbers in the NHS, social care etc for them to function 


I do agree that there needs to be more joined up thinking about immigration and a narrative that isn't overly hostile and subjective.  When politicians start to talk about the benefits of immigration, instead of just scaremongering we'll be somewhere down the road to a mature discussion.  The rise in immigration that we've seen in the last few years is legal immigration from outside the EU directly because the Tory government slackened the rules for non EEA migration, partly to mitigate for the fall in numbers due to tightened rules post Brexit for EEA migrants.  This affected several sectors, eg hospitality.

Far right thugs - perfectly describes hundreds of people who bussed in to Southport especially to attack a mosque, or those who attacked a mosque in Hartlepool that is well known for the good acts that it does in the local community.  In no way were those acts "protests" and tbh MK I think you're better than that.

Lastly, middle ground argument - I agree with you and generally (despite the "woke/lib elite" jibes) you tend to walk a reasonable path in these debates.  My frustration over politics is that it's become so entrenched at both sides that sensible debate is going, we're either shouting at each other or bots are sent out in thousands to inflame everyone's views.  It's not healthy and is one of the reasons I limit my social media exposure these days.  


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2 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

They will also eventually be cleared to work and will contribute to the economy, pay taxes etc.

Economically - I broadly agree re the 2 parties, i've said it more than once on here if you look back.  On some other issues though, it's already clear that Labour are taking a very different and much more practical approach.

Thats a fairly big assumption that unskilled people some of whom don't speak English are all suddenly going to find employment along with their immediate families.

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4 minutes ago, 80s Owl said:

Thats a fairly big assumption that unskilled people some of whom don't speak English are all suddenly going to find employment along with their immediate families.

Speaking as someone who has employed quite a lot of these people, both for skilled and unskilled roles, I can feel fairly confident when I say it does happen quite a bit.

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2 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

Speaking as someone who has employed quite a lot of these people, both for skilled and unskilled roles, I can feel fairly confident when I say it does happen quite a bit.

Quite a bit isn't really what we need when we have to claw back the millions upon millions to house them in hotels, I'm pretty sure these hotels will be charging the Gov top whack rates for their upkeep hence why they are so keen to have them.

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26 minutes ago, 80s Owl said:

Quite a bit isn't really what we need when we have to claw back the millions upon millions to house them in hotels, I'm pretty sure these hotels will be charging the Gov top whack rates for their upkeep hence why they are so keen to have them.

You're confusing legal with "illegal" to start with. Common mistake.

Secondly, the "hotels" option was a choice of the last government.  They had options, they could have gone with processing centres on French soil (joint funded with the French) that would have reduced the numbers coming and all but stopped the boats.  But they didn't WANT to stop the boats because then there wouldn't be an opportunity for a culture war.   

Someone made a lot of money (£1.4bn) at tax payers expense from the Bibby Stockholm.  Someone made a lot of money (£700m) at the tax payers expense for the "batshit crazy" (James Cleverly's words) Rwanda scheme. Yes though, hotels found in many cases it was much more profitable for them to house migrants than the paying public.  Hunt had earmarked £6.4bn (from memory) in that forecast that was hidden from the public for migrant costs...i bet there were some juicy contracts hidden away in that number.  



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1 minute ago, mkowl said:

So 2 years out of date and only reflects on the economic contribution potentially made. Not the social issues etc etc 

You asked which metric, not all metrics. I can if either of us can be arsed to...

BTW, 2 years is relatively  recent for studies of this kind. It doesn't all get updated every day.

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On migration and immigration I go on what I've been personally exposed to. 

In the past I've lived in areas where I've been the only white person in the street and have not wanted for anything. In all 3 instances I've been sorry to leave the street. 

But at the moment, in Nottingham, I'm witnessing two wars going on. The first is a multiway teenage turf war between the 'home grown' black lads and the recently arrived immigrant kids. However it's multi way as the African immigrants are fighting with the Eurasian immigrants and the locals are fighting everyone. Knife crime has risen 75% in the past year and gun crime is in the rise again. The majority of this is drug and crime related but it's school kids being used by adults and older groups to try to gain a foothold and fill the void left by the Gunn brothers being put away. 

But a more disturbing 'war' is going off between the local homeless community and a large recently arrived Rumanian (verified) contingent. The Rumanian's are taking over the Big Issue pitches and kicking the shit out of anyone else who tries to sell. Several well known long term vendors have ended up in hospital. The pitches are now occupied by young women, mostly teens and either pregnant or pretending to be, aggressively selling the magazine (some of the cushions up dresses are laughable as you can see they're square). There's always at least one male nearby and they give them the money as soon as they sell one or someone just gives them a quid or two for the baby.

So I don't see them integrating into society to become meaningful contributors. What I see is them doing the same things they would 'back in the home country'. Living off females or trying to show who's got the biggest set of bollocks in the village 

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7 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

You're confusing legal with "illegal" to start with. Common mistake.

Secondly, the "hotels" option was a choice of the last government.  They had options, they could have gone with processing centres on French soil (joint funded with the French) that would have reduced the numbers coming and all but stopped the boats.  But they didn't WANT to stop the boats because then there wouldn't be an opportunity for a culture war.   

Someone made a lot of money (£1.4bn) at tax payers expense from the Bibby Stockholm.  Someone made a lot of money (£700m) at the tax payers expense for the "batshit crazy" (James Cleverly's words) Rwanda scheme. Yes though, hotels found in many cases it was much more profitable for them to house migrants than the paying public.  Hunt had earmarked £6.4bn (from memory) in that forecast that was hidden from the public for migrant costs...i bet there were some juicy contracts hidden away in that number.  



I'm not really bothered who was responsible for sticking these people in hotels as I don't support either main party but its a huge drain on taxpayers and will be a further one when housing has to be fined, our own kids can barely afford a first home at the moment.

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22 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

Couple of points here.

The rise in immigration is legal immigration, the boat numbers are very small in comparison.

Immigration is a nett contribution to the country.

*"Liberal Elite" is such a funny term...you've just had 14 years of being run by the elite and look what they did. Reading some of the posts on here the culture war they created & fostered has been successful.

The term liberal elite is about as loose as "right wing thugs" that is being bandied around to describe anyone who is not agreeing with the narrative of immigration is great.

Would you accept that the left leaning liberal elements have actually created the culture war in the first place and are as much responsible for seeking to divide and conquer.

That the tacit support for pro Gaza anti Israel protests, the fact that policing of those is very different. That there is 2 tier policing, compare Harehills to Stockport.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of far right agitators out there stirring the pot, but can't you see there are plenty of liberal left doing the same. Even Starmer labelling everyone dissenting as a far right thug. Do you think that helps. Quite a funny trending on X re #farrightthugsunite or summat similar. Basically ordinary folk taking the piss as they describe mundane events arising 

The serious point is by demonising anyone raising concerns is counter intuitive, it will draw them more toward the true far right agitators. 

And then I genuinely fear that non white people who live in the UK, whether born here or moved here will get caught in the crossfire.


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23 minutes ago, mkowl said:

The term liberal elite is about as loose as "right wing thugs" that is being bandied around to describe anyone who is not agreeing with the narrative of immigration is great.

Would you accept that the left leaning liberal elements have actually created the culture war in the first place and are as much responsible for seeking to divide and conquer.

That the tacit support for pro Gaza anti Israel protests, the fact that policing of those is very different. That there is 2 tier policing, compare Harehills to Stockport.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of far right agitators out there stirring the pot, but can't you see there are plenty of liberal left doing the same. Even Starmer labelling everyone dissenting as a far right thug. Do you think that helps. Quite a funny trending on X re #farrightthugsunite or summat similar. Basically ordinary folk taking the piss as they describe mundane events arising 

The serious point is by demonising anyone raising concerns is counter intuitive, it will draw them more toward the true far right agitators. 

And then I genuinely fear that non white people who live in the UK, whether born here or moved here will get caught in the crossfire.


A lot to unpack here.

The term "right wing thug" is being applied to right wing thugs. The people who bus in to cities from out of town, carrying their Stella, with their union jacks & tattoos and proceed to attack police stations, mosques and whatever they think isn't British enough. There is no other term for them & it's orchestrated, in fact Tommy Robinson is doing it now, from the safety of Spain,all across the UK to cause as much division as they can. They will pull in locals, either with disinformation or curiosity but these events are happening because the fat right are trying to create fear and chaos. They've lost their friends in Government.

Did the left create the culture war? No not in my opinion. You're going to have to back that up with facts and names because that just looks like diversion. For every dick like Owen Jones I can probably give you 10 names on the right making a living out of causing hate.

As for the Gaza protests, they were largely peaceful with hundreds of thousands of people attending them across the UK. Not all of the media were happy about them happening and amplified bits of chanting and some signs but those marches were clearly not about causing violence - rather the opposite.

What happened in Stockport? 

Demonising people - I agree with your point but this is exactly what is happening, the thugs are hoping to bring Reform & Tory voters over to their view under the "we've had enough" banner. If you believe X it's working but in the real world, normal people are disgusted by the violence & the destruction of communities, they just want to live their lives.

It comes back to the same point, politicians have got to start being honest with the public about the pros and cons of immigration and listening to the concerns of communities and getting investment into towns & cities that have been left to rot. When people start to feel better about their lives, racism has less room to breathe. Labour and Tory stopped listening to large parts of the UK (typical red brick working class towns) in the 90's and it directly led to BNP/EDL/UKIP/Reform/Britain First etc . In hard or soft versions they are saying much the same thing to the people left behind. 

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9 hours ago, 80s Owl said:

I'm not really bothered who was responsible for sticking these people in hotels as I don't support either main party but its a huge drain on taxpayers and will be a further one when housing has to be fined, our own kids can barely afford a first home at the moment.

Kids can't buy a house - not migrants fault.

Kids can't get a council house - not migrants fault.

Kids can't afford to rent a house - not migrants fault.

Look for the real reasons behind each of those.

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12 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

A lot to unpack here.

The term "right wing thug" is being applied to right wing thugs. The people who bus in to cities from out of town, carrying their Stella, with their union jacks & tattoos and proceed to attack police stations, mosques and whatever they think isn't British enough. There is no other term for them & it's orchestrated, in fact Tommy Robinson is doing it now, from the safety of Spain,all across the UK to cause as much division as they can. They will pull in locals, either with disinformation or curiosity but these events are happening because the fat right are trying to create fear and chaos. They've lost their friends in Government.

Did the left create the culture war? No not in my opinion. You're going to have to back that up with facts and names because that just looks like diversion. For every dick like Owen Jones I can probably give you 10 names on the right making a living out of causing hate.

As for the Gaza protests, they were largely peaceful with hundreds of thousands of people attending them across the UK. Not all of the media were happy about them happening and amplified bits of chanting and some signs but those marches were clearly not about causing violence - rather the opposite.

What happened in Stockport? 

Demonising people - I agree with your point but this is exactly what is happening, the thugs are hoping to bring Reform & Tory voters over to their view under the "we've had enough" banner. If you believe X it's working but in the real world, normal people are disgusted by the violence & the destruction of communities, they just want to live their lives.

It comes back to the same point, politicians have got to start being honest with the public about the pros and cons of immigration and listening to the concerns of communities and getting investment into towns & cities that have been left to rot. When people start to feel better about their lives, racism has less room to breathe. Labour and Tory stopped listening to large parts of the UK (typical red brick working class towns) in the 90's and it directly led to BNP/EDL/UKIP/Reform/Britain First etc . In hard or soft versions they are saying much the same thing to the people left behind. 

A lot to unpack as you say. I am not going to say there is not an organised far right agitation going on here. Clearly there is (Southport not Stockport obvs) but your last paragraph sums it up. 

The impacts of immigration that are foistered on the regions by the political elite of all brands from London are at fault. Brexit was the first time that voice was really heard and it was dismissed in truth. Rub their bellies hope they shut up but we'll carry on regardless. Farage for all his faults is very good at tapping into that angst. And it is genuine concern about how the way of life is changing, the 2 tier approach, the Gaza protests are in the main peaceful but what is the underlying message being said about Britain.

Did the liberal left start the culture war, you say no I would say yes. They want the UK to be in their vision of some multi cultural utopia but fail to acknowledge the rest of us not in the metropolitan elite where the negative aspects are truly hidden from sight do not want.



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25 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

Kids can't buy a house - not migrants fault.

Kids can't get a council house - not migrants fault.

Kids can't afford to rent a house - not migrants fault.

Look for the real reasons behind each of those.

But the one element of society that is reacting is white working class lads. If you look at the metrics (I know you like them) then the group underachieving in school is, the ones that remain unskilled are, etc etc. But they are the one group ignored by politicians, by teachers, by the system. It's no surprise they are being lured by the far right and tbh it legitimises a bit of unruly behaviour and violence in their eyes. 

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The bloody violence right now is awful, Sunderland ‘yobs’ smashing shit up apparently about Southport. Ah right, so breaking into and looting a vape shop is the way to protest about something 150 mile away (or whatever the distance is).

Im sick of the cunt mentality of these so called people. 

I really do worry about what the next 20 years holds for us; as it just feels like it’s getting progressively worse. I can’t have a political debate as I’m not informed enough, beyond what I see, it just feels like it’s turned into a cock measuring / popularity contest rather than actually looking after the country’s interests. 

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56 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

The bloody violence right now is awful, Sunderland ‘yobs’ smashing shit up apparently about Southport. Ah right, so breaking into and looting a vape shop is the way to protest about something 150 mile away (or whatever the distance is).

Im sick of the **** mentality of these so called people. 

I really do worry about what the next 20 years holds for us; as it just feels like it’s getting progressively worse. I can’t have a political debate as I’m not informed enough, beyond what I see, it just feels like it’s turned into a cock measuring / popularity contest rather than actually looking after the country’s interests. 

The problem Tee is your last sentence could apply equally to the liberal left elite or the far right thugs. Sadly every one is so entrenched in their side they can't see it 

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9 minutes ago, mkowl said:

The problem Tee is your last sentence could apply equally to the liberal left elite or the far right thugs. Sadly every one is so entrenched in their side they can't see it 

Mate. The world is that way in so many aspects, debate isn’t a thing now in many walks of life. 
Everyone seems to be c**ting right or c**ting wrong. 

Does my head in.

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13 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

Mate. The world is that way in so many aspects, debate isn’t a thing now in many walks of life. 
Everyone seems to be c**ting right or c**ting wrong. 

Does my head in.

Totally agree 

Why this place is hopefully one of the last bastions where you can debate stuff. Long may it continue. Me and Bradders are not 100% agreeing but not throwing our toys out the pram 

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There were some proper knuckle draggers on both sides in Nottingham yesterday. Fair play to a very thin blue line for standing between the two factions and keeping order in an unantagonistic way. 

But the two groups aren't there because they're morally outraged or white, working class, economically challenged, and feel they don't have a voice. The 'front line' of both contingents are there purely to have a ruck. The place was awash with Stone Island, Moncler, CP, Weekend Offender, Barbour. It was a proper fashion parade of 'casual' wear. Local plod has already identified and nicked several 'faces' who were banned from travel to Germany and were probably using demonstrations like this as their preseason warm ups. 

The press on both sides will continue to package this up as they see fit for their agenda but from what I saw yesterday this is just idiots having an excuse to front up. 



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37 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

There were some proper knuckle draggers on both sides in Nottingham yesterday. Fair play to a very thin blue line for standing between the two factions and keeping order in an unantagonistic way. 

But the two groups aren't there because they're morally outraged or white, working class, economically challenged, and feel they don't have a voice. The 'front line' of both contingents are there purely to have a ruck. The place was awash with Stone Island, Moncler, CP, Weekend Offender, Barbour. It was a proper fashion parade of 'casual' wear. Local plod has already identified and nicked several 'faces' who were banned from travel to Germany and were probably using demonstrations like this as their preseason warm ups. 

The press on both sides will continue to package this up as they see fit for their agenda but from what I saw yesterday this is just idiots having an excuse to front up. 



I said to Mrs MK that it will calm down next week, the far right mob can go back to kicking off against each other at the football.

There is definitely an aspect of that but it does go deeper in my view.

X / Twitter is an absolute bear pit, even more than normal. And it's absolutely both sides that in my humble view are being hypothetical ***** but simply can't see it 


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Even the riot in Rotherham must have been set up to make it look worse than it was as no way could local authority's be so incompetent in controlling it.

Anybody who knows that estate could have stopped idiots spreading in to the estate with a plan devised on back of a beer mat.

That said initial protests where by a local minority and peaceful until some from outside the area turned up to agitate the issue.

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There's a bit of Rosa Parks and George Floyd about the response to these riots, in that the plans for everything, the media, the courts, the police response, etc. was already in place just waiting for it to happen so they could implement it all.

There's no way this shower could organise all this so quickly.

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1 hour ago, Skamp said:

The numbers were coming down due to the Rwanda policy. All the traffickers cheered when Starmer got in.

No deterant now.

Starmer and Cooper - the inactive duo.

😂😂😂 "Rwanda" and "deterrent".  Scrapping a "batshit crazy" idea saved hundreds of millions of pounds which reduced boat crossings by zero and immigration by zero. 

Numbers are up because Sunak knew they would be and bailed, it's that time of year.

Give it time...not 5 weeks and a clear policy not based on dog whistle politics will greatly reduce the problem.


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Another 700 new potholes yesterday.

It's like a revised version of the Olympics, trying to set a new national record each day.

Good job Rishi's crystal ball worked so well so that he could jump ship in time, so to speak.


Talking of crystal balls, after CGT, wait for your tax free pension drawdown to be removed.

They're only pensioners,they don't count.  The quicker they die of hyperthermia, the more houses are freed up to house the potholes.

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1 hour ago, Skamp said:

Another 700 new potholes yesterday.

It's like a revised version of the Olympics, trying to set a new national record each day.

Good job Rishi's crystal ball worked so well so that he could jump ship in time, so to speak.


Talking of crystal balls, after CGT, wait for your tax free pension drawdown to be removed.

They're only pensioners,they don't count.  The quicker they die of hyperthermia, the more houses are freed up to house the potholes.

Talking of predictions, this is exactly what I predicted would happen. 👍

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On 12/08/2024 at 21:16, BraddersTim said:

Talking of predictions, this is exactly what I predicted would happen. 👍

Anyway Tim - any comment on the release of violent offenders to make way for people who disagree with Kier Stalin 

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or the 500 new potholes last Saturday? Making over 5,000 since Starmer grabbed the keys to No. 10.  The Albert Hall simply cannot cope anymore with all these holes anymore.

Or RR (amongst others) receiving heating costs last year of £1,400 - 2nd home loophole - whilst your grannie is going to freeze herself this winter?

Or how the so called worse economy ever inherited is powering ahead of the rest of Europe?

Or how we're going to ever pay for all the union barons' wage demands (the same union barons that made significant donations to half the new labour MPs after the election was called)? 

I see flip-flops cost £500+ in some top, posh shops.  Be nothing like the cost associated with Starmer's flip-flops.

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1 hour ago, Skamp said:

or the 500 new potholes last Saturday? Making over 5,000 since Starmer grabbed the keys to No. 10.  The Albert Hall simply cannot cope anymore with all these holes anymore.

Or RR (amongst others) receiving heating costs last year of £1,400 - 2nd home loophole - whilst your grannie is going to freeze herself this winter?

Or how the so called worse economy ever inherited is powering ahead of the rest of Europe?

Or how we're going to ever pay for all the union barons' wage demands (the same union barons that made significant donations to half the new labour MPs after the election was called)? 

I see flip-flops cost £500+ in some top, posh shops.  Be nothing like the cost associated with Starmer's flip-flops.

What I don't get is how the lefty lawyers will try every blocking tactic, wheeze, appeal to keep folk in the country, but not hearing one fucking peep out of them when it comes to the violation of basic rights, holding in prison cells, release of violent prisoners. 

If one of those violent offenders does inflict injury or death on any other person then Starmer has blood on his hands 


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17 hours ago, mkowl said:

What I don't get is how the lefty lawyers will try every blocking tactic, wheeze, appeal to keep folk in the country, but not hearing one fucking peep out of them when it comes to the violation of basic rights, holding in prison cells, release of violent prisoners. 

If one of those violent offenders does inflict injury or death on any other person then Starmer has blood on his hands 


Exibit A

20 months for shouting at a dog

Exibit B

Still to be charged 20240821_072018.thumb.jpg.2c63635f73e0a1861063c02e5c3d9933.jpg


Buyers remorse anyone?

Oh, and just as granny has her winter lifeline removed



Still, windfarms eh?

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