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Politics shit innit

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From today's Telegraph 



just to confirm my earlier post of union barons 1 little old grannies 0

I'm guessing that the plan is for all the old folk to die of hyperthermia to free up the bedrooms required for all the new potholes.  Labour voters:  little old grannies   new potholes ✔️


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6 hours ago, mkowl said:

Because its a valid question - where are the liberal elite lawyers defending the rights of British citizens ? 

I suppose my response is...for the next 5 years are you going to be specifically asking me to justify every Govt action that you don't agree with?

It just seems odd, I'd expect you to question me  back if I tried to hold you responsible for every right wing action over the previous 14 years.

Happy to discuss things, but much like the fake Muslim attack on the poor girls in Southport I was asked to explain to the parents, these things are not my fault just because I have a view which is (not that far) different to yours.  

FWIW though, I actually think this Givt has got off to a pretty good start (apart from  the continuance of austerity, although we can thank Sunak and Hunt for that too)

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A good start?

I must be on ignore.

5,000 new migrants on boats

Admitting that there was no black hole

Robbing pensioners to pay the unions

Energy prices to rise significantly

Borrowing greater than it should be, and considerably more than this time last year due to the public sector pay awards plus backpaying them including to staff that have even left.

Lying about tax rises because they're warming us up for it. 

Be Sunak's and Hunt's fault though despite all the evidence above.

The unions want a return on their investment in the new MPs and it's us silly tax payers that will be footing the bill.

The next 5 years will set us back 50

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6 hours ago, mkowl said:

Because its a valid question - where are the liberal elite lawyers defending the rights of British citizens ? 

What rights of British citizens? 

My mate was working in the Wath Holiday Inn on the day and feared for his life. What about his rights as a British citizen to go to work without fear of prejudice because he's now shit scared to go home incase someone recognises him and then knows where he lives. He's staying 25 miles away and still getting flashbacks of the on fire bin going through the emergency exit glass which he was trying to secure.

As for lawyers defending? From what I'm reading all those in the dock are pleading guilty. 

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A fella from work has been one of those convicted from the Wath Holiday Inn incidents. 

Over 2 years in prison and the accompanying effect on his and his families lives.  On the face of it from my dealings with him a good fella.

Do what he did down town or at the football and he gets a Caution and a fine but unfortunately been stupid enough to put himself in a situation with greater consequences.  Sentence is brought about by disproportionate political interference. 

Surely the Judge has a generalised tariff sheet he refers to for similar crimes when handing out sentences.  This has obviously been ripped up to serve as a deterrent to the 'riots' / protests.


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19 hours ago, Tylluan said:

What rights of British citizens? 

My mate was working in the Wath Holiday Inn on the day and feared for his life. What about his rights as a British citizen to go to work without fear of prejudice because he's now shit scared to go home incase someone recognises him and then knows where he lives. He's staying 25 miles away and still getting flashbacks of the on fire bin going through the emergency exit glass which he was trying to secure.

As for lawyers defending? From what I'm reading all those in the dock are pleading guilty. 

I genuinely ask what legal advice those pleading guilty actually got.  I suspect not the same calibre as the rent a virtue lawyers that deal with asylum cases, comfortable in the knowledge where they live in the meantime is nowhere near them

Of course your mate has rights - but looking at the bigger picture are you not concerned that justice can be served immediately if the Govt demand it, very dangerous territory we are entering 

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2 hours ago, Hirstys 12th Pint said:

A fella from work has been one of those convicted from the Wath Holiday Inn incidents. 

Over 2 years in prison and the accompanying effect on his and his families lives.  On the face of it from my dealings with him a good fella.

Do what he did down town or at the football and he gets a Caution and a fine but unfortunately been stupid enough to put himself in a situation with greater consequences.  Sentence is brought about by disproportionate political interference. 

Surely the Judge has a generalised tariff sheet he refers to for similar crimes when handing out sentences.  This has obviously been ripped up to serve as a deterrent to the 'riots' / protests.


The irony was that Labour objected to the new powers etc on protest etc 

But the hypocrisy is that a few days before the usual suspects were bleating about the harsh treatment of the climate change lot, were suddenly happy to lock them up and throw away the key for others 

And as I say the lawyers who fight the politicisation of the powers of the courts eg asylum, but also thinking back on Brexit, but are strangely silent when it comes to a less cause celeb in their circles  


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Just now, Skamp said:

Starmer called the police his 'standing army' the other day.  Be afraid, be very afraid 

What gets me is the anti fascist movement can't actually see that the actions of this current Govt tick most the boxes of fascism 

I mean if you remove the label of far right from the rest of the definition of fascism, then I can't see much difference 

The fact is at some point, perhaps not too far in the future, these 2 posts on a form of social media could get the thought police around. And folk are totally blind. 

The issue sadly was that the protests turned violent, because it removed the key message behind the protests. The politicians could deflect from answering the questions. Maybe the violence was orchestrated who knows with that aim in mind  

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15 minutes ago, Wollongong Owl said:

As yet I haven't heard of any reason or motivation behind the recent spate of stabbings unless we're left to presume they're all a result of mental issues, I apologise if I've missed any statements.

Nothing to see here.  As long as not aggressively pushing, shouting at a Police Dog or typing a few hurty words its carte blanche.

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15 minutes ago, Wollongong Owl said:

As yet I haven't heard of any reason or motivation behind the recent spate of stabbings unless we're left to presume they're all a result of mental issues, I apologise if I've missed any statements.

The government will never publish if the criminal was found with traces of cannabis/ marijuana in their blood.  Nor will they ever publish where the criminal was born.


This applies to both Labour and the Conservatives.

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4 hours ago, mkowl said:

genuinely ask what legal advice those pleading guilty actually got.  I suspect not the same calibre as the rent a virtue lawyers that deal with asylum cases, comfortable in the knowledge where they live in the meantime is nowhere near them

I'm guessing most of them have been convicted on bodycam and other footage found posted on open social media so I doubt any amount of 'deny everything' or mental health grounds and diminished responsibility would have made much difference. 

The previous government brought through the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and Public Order Act 2023 with their large majority but last I knew it was up to the CPS and the Courts which law to try for a prosecution but I'll concede that their might be a bow to media pressure and home office exertion. 

The new offence of intentionally or recklessly causing a public nuisance is predominantly being used. The Human Rights Act 1998 guarantees the right to freedom of expression and assembly, but they are qualified rights, which must be balanced against other rights and public interests in their exercise. So pushing a copper at a football match or when pissed up on a Saturday night (to use Hirsty's comparison) doesn't carry the same weight as being an active part of a mob threatening the lives of others or causing massive disruption to the lives of others. 

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1 hour ago, Skamp said:

Tonight's news

Young lad throws an empty beer keg at police and then later throws a traffic cone at them.

2 years.

So they didn't imprison a child rapist so the lad who shouted at a dog could be in the  nick instead 

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On 22/08/2024 at 19:33, Andyben said:

Unless you're screaming your wishes to kill all Jews in th middle of London 

There were a lot of Jews on those marches deeply upset about their Govt and army killing thousands of Palestinian women and children. Just FWIW. 

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On 22/08/2024 at 13:35, mkowl said:

The irony was that Labour objected to the new powers etc on protest etc 

But the hypocrisy is that a few days before the usual suspects were bleating about the harsh treatment of the climate change lot, were suddenly happy to lock them up and throw away the key for others 

And as I say the lawyers who fight the politicisation of the powers of the courts eg asylum, but also thinking back on Brexit, but are strangely silent when it comes to a less cause celeb in their circles  


So the question back to you is obvious.  When those laws were passed by Swella the thicko, did you question them?  No, because you thought they were only going to be used against lefty type protests.  Those ones where they shout things, block a road or make a nuisance of themselves.  You didn't think (although you were told) that they could just as easily be used against causes that you might agree with, eg protests against badger culls, or farming costs or even applied to drag rioters into the courts and fast tracked to prison.

If it's dangerous now, why wasn't it dangerous then?  The only difference is that these weren't peaceful protests, they were riots, carried out by thugs and lives & property were put at risk.   


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5 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

There were a lot of Jews on those marches deeply upset about their Govt and army killing thousands of Palestinian women and children. Just FWIW. 

That will be the Ultra-Orthodox Jews who don't wish for their members to be drafted into the Isreali army and pay millions to the Israeli government for their special exemption.

Which is fine.

But it's clouding the representation you refer to somewhat.

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2 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

So the question back to you is obvious.  When those laws were passed by Swella the thicko, did you question them?  No, because you thought they were only going to be used against lefty type protests.  Those ones where they shout things, block a road or make a nuisance of themselves.  You didn't think (although you were told) that they could just as easily be used against causes that you might agree with, eg protests against badger culls, or farming costs or even applied to drag rioters into the courts and fast tracked to prison.

If it's dangerous now, why wasn't it dangerous then?  The only difference is that these weren't peaceful protests, they were riots, carried out by thugs and lives & property were put at risk.   


Just out of curiosity then, how many JSO vandals and BLM rioters got a custodial sentence? You know, them that throw powder on snooker tables, throw soup at paintings or topple statues and chuck them in a river.

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14 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

So the question back to you is obvious.  When those laws were passed by Swella the thicko, did you question them?  No, because you thought they were only going to be used against lefty type protests.  Those ones where they shout things, block a road or make a nuisance of themselves.  You didn't think (although you were told) that they could just as easily be used against causes that you might agree with, eg protests against badger culls, or farming costs or even applied to drag rioters into the courts and fast tracked to prison.

If it's dangerous now, why wasn't it dangerous then?  The only difference is that these weren't peaceful protests, they were riots, carried out by thugs and lives & property were put at risk.   


My view is that peaceful protest, freedom of speech and thought are way more important than any cheap point scoring.

The Extintion Rebellion protests disrupted ordinary people's lives going or trying to go about their day to day lives. No it wasn't violent but if an ambulance could not get through the traffic or a mum to be unable to get to a maternity ward and folk died as a result would you accept that was a manslaughter charge. They also potentially damaged buildings or infrastructure.

So your argument about lives and property at risk equally applies.

But they were middle class protestors so they don't get fast tracked through the courts, presumably they could afford proper legal advice and I suspect some cause supporting lawyer will do a bit of pro bono for an appeal. 


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20 minutes ago, Skamp said:

Just out of curiosity then, how many JSO vandals and BLM rioters got a custodial sentence? You know, them that throw powder on snooker tables, throw soup at paintings or topple statues and chuck them in a river.

A few got 5 years to be fair not so long back. 

The BLM stuff was before the change in the law, but that was mob rule, criminal damage but "it's not the same" because it was not white working class folk 


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41 minutes ago, mkowl said:

A few got 5 years to be fair not so long back. 

The BLM stuff was before the change in the law, but that was mob rule, criminal damage but "it's not the same" because it was not white working class folk 


I think I've been set to ignore anyway.

His beloved Sir Keir has let everyone down except his and his party's donors.

231 Labour MPs have received £1.8m in the past 3 months alone from their paymaster unions.

Sue Gray's rookie son given £10,000 donation from Lord Alli

Now then, Lord Alli has given more than £500,000 to Labour, £2,485 for Starmer's specs, £16,200 for Starmer's suits and a £1,250 in lieu of rent 5 nights accommodation in New York to Raynor out of a total loans and donations totalling £1.3m

Now why would he do all of that?


Oh yeah. He's been given an unprecedented, unrestricted access pass to No. 10


Stay tuned for some stories from the union front tomorrow.


See if Tim's unblocked me by then.

More chance of that though than HIGNFY running with these stories.


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The crux is they are all.in the trough - whether Labour or the Tories.

Reduce the number of MPs by 50%

Double their salary

Make it a condition of bring an MP no outside earnings. 

Ban lobbying 

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Oh no you don't. Starmer's not getting away with it that easily.  Hold him to account.

It's the same old Labour. Politics of envy under the control of the unions.

You might not remember the 70's but I do and it's where we'll be heading in the next 5 years.

Screen shot my posts and then come back in a year, 2 years and 5 years and tell me I'm wrong.


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11 minutes ago, mkowl said:

I presume Bradders will be along calling for the banning of the Notting Hill Carnival given the number of arrests and injuries to police officers 

I think you're making too much out of this.  Just the 8 stabbings, 334 arrests and 50 policemen injured.

Let's see how fast tracked the 334 arrested will be and for how long.  I presume the BBC will show daily photos etc, over the coming few days

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1 hour ago, mkowl said:

I presume Bradders will be along calling for the banning of the Notting Hill Carnival given the number of arrests and injuries to police officers 

You're doing it again 😂. I am not the official spokesperson for the left just as you aren't for the right.

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1 hour ago, BraddersTim said:

You're doing it again 😂. I am not the official spokesperson for the left just as you aren't for the right.

i am not asking you as the official spokesman just interested in your view 

I think the remoaners always mentioned it as "taking ownership"

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2 hours ago, mkowl said:

i am not asking you as the official spokesman just interested in your view 

I think the remoaners always mentioned it as "taking ownership"

You weren't really asking for my view, you were making a sarcastic point, but that's fine.

My view fwiw, is that criminal behaviour is criminal behaviour and if anything done at Notting Hill was as bad as what was done during the riots then it should be dealt with in the same way. 

No the festival shouldn't be cancelled, it was a festival not a series of riots and 10's of 1000's of people behaved themselves and had a great time.  Deal with the bad elements and let the rest get on with enjoying themselves. 

Do you really disagree with any of that? 

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3 hours ago, BraddersTim said:

You weren't really asking for my view, you were making a sarcastic point, but that's fine.

My view fwiw, is that criminal behaviour is criminal behaviour and if anything done at Notting Hill was as bad as what was done during the riots then it should be dealt with in the same way. 

No the festival shouldn't be cancelled, it was a festival not a series of riots and 10's of 1000's of people behaved themselves and had a great time.  Deal with the bad elements and let the rest get on with enjoying themselves. 

Do you really disagree with any of that? 

No not really but you get the point about the attitude of the police is two tier. We know from years of football policing that if the police go in heavy handed then trouble will arise. Did their confrontational stance with the white protests cause the violent reaction ? You can argue with reason they policed the resultant violence but did they provoke on other occasions. And not everyone who protested actually created any violent disorder. But like football fans that just go to watch the game you can be kettled, forced go different routes.

Yet when the pro Gaza protests disappated from the agreed route they got a different approach from Khans troops  

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14 hours ago, mkowl said:

No not really but you get the point about the attitude of the police is two tier. We know from years of football policing that if the police go in heavy handed then trouble will arise. Did their confrontational stance with the white protests cause the violent reaction ? You can argue with reason they policed the resultant violence but did they provoke on other occasions. And not everyone who protested actually created any violent disorder. But like football fans that just go to watch the game you can be kettled, forced go different routes.

Yet when the pro Gaza protests disappated from the agreed route they got a different approach from Khans troops  

While I agree about the football fans point the rest is just rubbish.  The same police who attended the slaughter of those 3 little kids were then attacked by rioting thugs.  I'm no fan of this country's police forces but your point just doesn't stand up.

What I find a bit weird... Just Stop Oil protest and get sent down for 5 years, no violence, no riots and not a peep from you or anyone on here.  Right wing rioters on the other hand are defended to the hilt, they "had genuine concerns", "didn't mean it to escalate" "provoked by the Police".  Swap them over for "Momentum or Socialist Workers Party" for instance and the reaction on here would be totally different. I get that we all have our political affiliations but a riot is a riot, call it out for what it is.   


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30 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

While I agree about the football fans point the rest is just rubbish.  The same police who attended the slaughter of those 3 little kids were then attacked by rioting thugs.  I'm no fan of this country's police forces but your point just doesn't stand up.

What I find a bit weird... Just Stop Oil protest and get sent down for 5 years, no violence, no riots and not a peep from you or anyone on here.  Right wing rioters on the other hand are defended to the hilt, they "had genuine concerns", "didn't mean it to escalate" "provoked by the Police".  Swap them over for "Momentum or Socialist Workers Party" for instance and the reaction on here would be totally different. I get that we all have our political affiliations but a riot is a riot, call it out for what it is.   


Fwiw I don't think we had a politics thread - but I will agree on the political affiliations skew the opinion. I point that out to many of the liberal elite on X that their hypocrisy is quite stunning

So to flip it round if the police turned heavy handed at a Pro Gaza march because someone called for infidel they would not be so supportive of police. 

So I will call that out for what it is 

I think the fact Starmer's rating approval has plummeted in weeks - and that is before any tax rises 

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47 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

While I agree about the football fans point the rest is just rubbish.  The same police who attended the slaughter of those 3 little kids were then attacked by rioting thugs.  I'm no fan of this country's police forces but your point just doesn't stand up.

What I find a bit weird... Just Stop Oil protest and get sent down for 5 years, no violence, no riots and not a peep from you or anyone on here.  Right wing rioters on the other hand are defended to the hilt, they "had genuine concerns", "didn't mean it to escalate" "provoked by the Police".  Swap them over for "Momentum or Socialist Workers Party" for instance and the reaction on here would be totally different. I get that we all have our political affiliations but a riot is a riot, call it out for what it is.   


The just stop oil nonces wanted life sentences the middle class entitled *****.

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48 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

While I agree about the football fans point the rest is just rubbish.  The same police who attended the slaughter of those 3 little kids were then attacked by rioting thugs.  I'm no fan of this country's police forces but your point just doesn't stand up.

What I find a bit weird... Just Stop Oil protest and get sent down for 5 years, no violence, no riots and not a peep from you or anyone on here.  Right wing rioters on the other hand are defended to the hilt, they "had genuine concerns", "didn't mean it to escalate" "provoked by the Police".  Swap them over for "Momentum or Socialist Workers Party" for instance and the reaction on here would be totally different. I get that we all have our political affiliations but a riot is a riot, call it out for what it is.   


Has the Labour councillor who called for rioters throats to be cut been sentenced yet? Cos surely that is a bad if not worse than some who are currently in prison for words on Facebook 

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The jailed JSO protestors weren't just peacefully protesting though despite what Packham et al may claim.  They climbed gantries over the M25, not only stopping traffic on one of the busiest motorways in Europe, but endangering the lives of rescue workers who had to climb up the gantries to get them down and to prevent further damage/ delay - or indeed harm to themselves. 

Near where I live, a bunch of silly buggers stand at the side of Sandall Park every other weekend or so, protesting about 5g masts. covid jabs, round earth conspiracy or whatever, and whilst I may think they're a bit odd, they do absolutely no harm to anyone.  That's a peaceful protest.

Am I still blocked Tim?  You don't like the truth or facts, do you?

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1 hour ago, mkowl said:

Fwiw I don't think we had a politics thread - but I will agree on the political affiliations skew the opinion. I point that out to many of the liberal elite on X that their hypocrisy is quite stunning

So to flip it round if the police turned heavy handed at a Pro Gaza march because someone called for infidel they would not be so supportive of police. 


1) But you don't recognise it on here?

2) But these riots were'nt down to police being heavy handed were they?

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1 hour ago, Skamp said:

The jailed JSO protestors weren't just peacefully protesting though despite what Packham et al may claim.  They climbed gantries over the M25, not only stopping traffic on one of the busiest motorways in Europe, but endangering the lives of rescue workers who had to climb up the gantries to get them down and to prevent further damage/ delay - or indeed harm to themselves. 

Near where I live, a bunch of silly buggers stand at the side of Sandall Park every other weekend or so, protesting about 5g masts. covid jabs, round earth conspiracy or whatever, and whilst I may think they're a bit odd, they do absolutely no harm to anyone.  That's a peaceful protest.

Am I still blocked Tim?  You don't like the truth or facts, do you?

You're not blocked, you never were, that was another of your assumptions.  I just choose not to engage with you because you're too far gone, too entrenched in right is right, left is wrong to see any nuance.  MK and I disagree, but it's neither personal nor totally polarised, while it stays like that it's enjoyable enough to keep replying.

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Well I've had a look through this thread and of the two allegations

Being personal

I've even agreed with you on a couple of points and not once have I made it personal.

Being polarised

I'm not, what I'm doing is backing up the prophecies I made about illegal immigration increasing, Reeves lying about the winter fuel allowance and the Labour Party now dancing to the piper's tune.

Wait until October for my pension raid prophecy to also get a tick.



You appear to have lost the desire to debate anymore.

That's fine and up to you but Labour will set us back 50 years. I'm telling you.


Our economy is racing ahead of Europe by some way, interest rates are low and GDP is increasing. What we need right now is less spending on bloated public services (I know you'll instinctively disagree) not raise taxes.


Tell you what. I've made a 'screen shot' promise and I'm totally happy to defend my predictions in 1, 2 and 5 years time. Where I'm wrong, I'll admit it.

You see,  I've seen all this bullshit before. Starmer has sold his soul to gain the keys to No. 10. Aslef et al now want a return on their investment.

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It is interesting that your views do get polarised as either right wing or left wing. I am guilty in doing that and being labelled 

The reality is somewhat different. i was asked yesterday was I disappointed about Starmer discussing working collaberatively with the EU, betraying Brexit. And I go no, my vote was to leave the political union but it was balanced by the risks to trade. I genuinely hovered over both boxes with the pencil that day

So ultimately we could end up with the softer Brexit I always favoured and thought was the inherently sensible one. 

I see folk going on about re-joining the EU and I scream why. Do you give a shit about the European elections, the nonsense etc when you could probably get 85% of the good stuff on trade etc by sensible negotiation. In fact it is such a lazy argument they put forward, as if all the troubles would melt away, when half the troubles have arisen by being a full member 

So I will credit Starmer for sure if that comes to fruition

And yes I get labelled right wing, really its centre nudge right because I think the last time I voted for the Tories was 14 years ago. I refused on principle to vote for Bercow in my constituency because of his Brexit views and not for Boris because of the right wing nut jobs and his style. 


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15 hours ago, Skamp said:

Well I've had a look through this thread and of the two allegations

Being personal

I've even agreed with you on a couple of points and not once have I made it personal.

Being polarised

I'm not, what I'm doing is backing up the prophecies I made about illegal immigration increasing, Reeves lying about the winter fuel allowance and the Labour Party now dancing to the piper's tune.

Wait until October for my pension raid prophecy to also get a tick.



You appear to have lost the desire to debate anymore.

That's fine and up to you but Labour will set us back 50 years. I'm telling you.


Our economy is racing ahead of Europe by some way, interest rates are low and GDP is increasing. What we need right now is less spending on bloated public services (I know you'll instinctively disagree) not raise taxes.


Tell you what. I've made a 'screen shot' promise and I'm totally happy to defend my predictions in 1, 2 and 5 years time. Where I'm wrong, I'll admit it.

You see,  I've seen all this bullshit before. Starmer has sold his soul to gain the keys to No. 10. Aslef et al now want a return on their investment.

Of course Starmer is beholden to his union overlords and will be giving hand jobs out to all and fucking sundry to appease their wants.

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